Blog Entry #7: A Fresh Perspective on Food: A Detailed Look into the World of Food Processing.

     After viewing the film "Fresh," directed by Ana Sofia Joanes in April 2009, my perspective on food has shifted dramatically. This documentary dives into the often-overlooked aspects of our food system, prompting viewers to contemplate the sources of where their food is coming from, and how each meat is processed and taken care of. The primary purpose of this documentary is to shed light on the flaws in our current food production and distribution systems while advocating for sustainable, environmentally friendly alternatives. The audience for this film spans beyond those interested in food, as it targets those concerned about health, environmental sustainability, and animal welfare. 

    The tone of the film is both informative and inspirational. It presents complex issues in a clear and accessible manner, motivating viewers to reconsider where they choose to buy and eat their food. As I watched this film, I was deeply affected by the stories of farmers and activists striving to revolutionize the food industry. Their passion and dedication left a lasting impression, compelling me to reflect on my choices regarding food. Several elements stood out, especially the contrast between industrial agriculture and sustainable farming practices. the personal narratives shared by the farmers and food activists added a sympathy element that made the issues feel immediate and relatable. According to Michael Pollan in the film, he states that "Our food system is an energy hog, guzzling fossil fuels at every stage from fertilizers to food processing to packaging to shipping." This tells me that all this industry is aiming for is money, and has more regard for how much they can make off this system instead of the quality of the food itself. 

    This film prompted me to consider the relationships between food, health, and the environment in a way I had never done before. I also found the film to be enlightening and empowering, offering not only a critique of the status quo but also tangible solutions for a more sustainable future. Michael Pollan states in the film "Food is not just fuel. Food is about family, food is about community, food is about identity. And we nourish all those things when we eat well." In an age where food production is increasingly industrialized and disconnected from its natural origins, "Fresh" serves as a wake-up call that the food we eat should be properly processed. It challenges us to confront the sad truths and take action. 

    In conclusion, the film "Fresh" is a thought-provoking documentary that challenges viewers to reevaluate their relationship with food. Its message of sustainability and social responsibility resonates deeply in today's world, making it a must-watch for anyone interested in creating a healthier, more equitable food system. 
