Blog Entry #9: Wasted! The Story of Food Waste - How this Film Demonstrates the World of Food Waste.

 In today's exploration of topics within the food industry, I stumbled upon an eye-opening documentary titled "Wasted! The Story of Food Waste" directed by Anna Chai and Nari Kye. This documentary delves into the staggering amount of food waste generated globally and its profound impact on the environment, economy, and society. This film not only highlights a pressing issue but also prompts critical reflection on our consumption habits and how waste is truly distributed. 

"Wasted" resonates deeply with our discussions surrounding sustainability, food ethics, and the interconnectedness of our choices. It exposes the shocking reality that approximately one-third of all food produced for human consumption is wasted worldwide, amounting to a staggering 1.3 billion tons annually. According to renowned chef Dan Barber who was featured in the documentary, "We're wasting 60 percent more food today than we were 40 years ago." This waste not only goes through valuable resources such as water, land, and energy but also contributes significantly to greenhouse gas emissions and environmental degradation. As Dr. Jonathon Bloom, author of "American Wasteland," emphasizes, "All of this water, all of this land, all of this energy went into producing food that was never eaten." 

Moreover, "Wasted!" invites viewers to consider the socio-economic dimensions of food waste, revealing how it perpetuates food insecurity and exacerbates inequalities. While millions of people around the globe suffer from hunger and malnutrition, vast quantities of perfectly edible food are discarded due to aesthetic standards, overproduction, and inefficiencies in the supply chain. This disparity underscores the inherent flaws within our current food systems and calls for a more equitable and inclusive approach to food distribution and access. 

In conclusion, "Wasted! The Story of Food Waste" serves as a reminder of the incredible impact our food choices have on the planet and society. By raising awareness, it empowers individuals to become more mindful consumers and advocates for change within their communities. As we continue our journey of exploration within the food industry, I hope to continue to raise awareness of this topic from learning the lessons from this documentary and strive towards a more sustainable and just future for all.
