Blog Entry #4 - The Voice From a Woman: Demanding the Women's Right to Reproductive Choice.

    This debate surrounding abortion is one of the most controversial and sickening issues in our society. At its core, it is about a woman's autonomy over her own body against the world. I firmly and undoubtedly believe that the decision to have an abortion should ultimately rest with the woman, as it is her body and her life that will be incredibly altered. This topic should not be political, as the fundamental right of a woman to make choices about their reproductive organs should be up to that woman, not up to the government. 

    The principle of bodily autonomy states that individuals have the right to choose whether or not to continue a pregnancy violates this principle in so many ways. According to Planned Parenthood, they state that "many people - regardless of their views on abortion - value autonomy and the right to make decisions that are best for ourselves and our own families." For years, women stood together to fight for their rights, and in a matter of a decade, this was taken away from us. No one should have the right to take away the rights that we have worked so hard to get, especially when it comes to the female reproductive system. The decision to have an abortion is so deeply personal and complex, that is influenced by factors including internal health, financial stability, and personal circumstances. It is not a decision that should be made by politicians and government officials, but a decision for the women who experience this situation. 

    Unfortunately, abortion has become incredibly politicized, with politicians using abortion as a political issue to rally their votes. According to the American Civil Liberties Union, "A decision about having a baby or having an abortion is a deeply personal, private decision best left to a person, their family, and their doctor. Yet some politicians remain obsessed with interfering" They believe that politicians are the root cause of this controversy. This undermines the fundamental rights of women and turns a personal medical decision into a battleground for political gain. Regardless of one's stance on this issue, it is crucial to recognize that abortion is about individual rights and freedom to choose. By depoliticizing the debate, we can focus on supporting women's access to reproductive healthcare that includes contraception methods, education on the matter, and safe abortion services. Upholding a woman's right to choose is not a matter of politics, and it is sickening that the government has chosen to take away women's right to their own bodies. 

    To rephrase, the debate over abortion is fundamentally about women's autonomy and the right to choose. It is about recognizing and respecting the choices of individuals who make decisions on their own lives and bodies. By discussing women's rights rather than the political agendas, we can work towards a society where every person has the freedom to make their own choices about their reproductive health without fear of criticism and judgment. 


  1. I agree with your stance on it being up to a woman to decide what is best for herself and her body. I too believe that this issue has become too politically driven and it is sad to see. I feel as if it were women telling men what to do with their bodies then the conversation would be different overall. I believe that politics and health decisions should differ from each other and one should not overlap the other. I do think this is a touchy subject for most, and I am glad to have it discussed openly.

  2. The blog post is a passionate and articulate expression of support for women’s right to reproductive choice. It effectively captures the essence of the debate surrounding abortion, emphasizing the importance of bodily autonomy and the individual’s right to make personal decisions about their reproductive health. By referencing both Planned Parenthood and the ACLU, the blog substantiates its viewpoint with perspectives from reputable organizations that advocate for reproductive freedoms.

  3. I share your belief that a woman should make the best decisions for her body and herself. It saddens me to see that this subject has turned into one that is too politicized. The entire discussion, in my opinion, would be different if women were the ones dictating to males what to do with their bodies.

  4. Hello, Kamry! This is such a well-written and passionate post about women's rights to abortion. I agree with your belief that the decision to have an abortion should be left to the woman to make. It is despicable to me that politicians would paint this as a debatable issue, and it is incredibly sexist because there is no equivalent that would affect men the same way. Politicians should not be involved in the medical decision-making of any individual.

  5. Kamry, this blog is very well written and is filled with passion! I believe that a woman should make the best decisions for her body. I also agree that this issue has become too political which is unfortunate.

  6. This blog is a great blog i agree with some of the stuff in here. But i also think if you are irresponsible and accidently get pregnant thats on you no need to kill a child even if its just getting developed. But also i think if a women is raped they should get the opportunity to have a abortion.


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